Tips For Organising A Promotional Event

Organising a promotional event for the office can be a pain, especially for newbies. Depending on how large the party is, there will be a number of things to get done on time and properly. Here are some tips to make the process easier for you:

Choose a Good Venue in a City

It’s important to choose a cool venue for the event that the guests will absolutely love. However, in your quest to choose an interesting venue, don’t go out of your way. It will be really awesome to host your party on a beach right before sunset, but if the guests have to drive two hours to the beach, that venue will not do at all. Therefore, pick a venue in the city that is easy to access for the guests, and has plenty of parking.

Pick a Fun Theme

As with any other party, you will have to choose a theme for this one too. Obviously, you will be promoting a product, a brand or a company. Do not make the promotion the theme; instead incorporate whatever you are trying to promote into the theme. Otherwise, your party may seem ostentatious and tasteless. Don’t be too formal and don’t hesitate to get Tyvek wristbands for the suit-clad guests.

…But Be Formal Too

Though you can be as fun as you like at the party, remember that this is not an office getaway. There will be important guests attending, including prominent names in the industry and media. You have to impress them, also. So, choose to be semi-formal. Get Tyvek wristbands for the guest and canapés as well.

Watch Out for Hidden Costs

When you book a venue and other services for your event, be careful of hidden costs in the form of service charges and such. For example, venues are very cheap to book. But, the final price you pay is not the booking price. Venues add services charges, and more notoriously, exorbitant catering charges. So, remember to check all charges before you make the final calculation.

Offer Free Samples

If you are promoting something, don’t forget to offer free samples for the guests to try out. If you are promoting a brand, offer free samples related to the brand, for example. Test all these samples in advance for defects before offering them to the guests. If possible, wrap each sample individually and present to the guests personally.

Keep in mind that promotional events are supposed to make your company look good to everyone else. If you follow the above tips, it should be a problem.