Lots of people fear marriage because they think it’s the death knell of romance! This is an absolute myth. True love is often seen not in the eyes of smitten young lovers, but in the smiles of old and frail lovers who have held each other’s hands through thick and thin. But of course, keeping the love alive in marriage is not an easy task. The tips below will help you keep your vows to each other when the going gets tough (as it certainly will!)
Understand that feelings will change and grow
It’s not possible to see your partner as a romantic hero for the rest of your life. And if you are a man, you will notice the woman that you fell in love slowly growing old as the years go by. It’s not possible for us to remain young forever. It’s not possible for us to be frisky and animated like little boys and girls forever. So you must accept that as you change, your feelings for your partner will also change. You will mature together, you will grow together. Faithful and enduring love will take the place of the dizzying romance that you felt in your heart at the start. Accept this as a good thing.
Keep the memories alive
When you see the shining platinum wedding bands men wear and look at your lover’s old ring and remember the best day of your life with fond memories. Remember the beauty of the memories that you created, the trips you went on together and the minute details of your life together. Talk about the first pet you got, the day you gave birth to your child and the day you moved to your own house. While young lovers have only the future to talk about, you have a future and a past to muse over!
Show your love
Yes you invested in proper platinum wedding rings on your big day. But that’s not going to be enough to sustain your love for the rest of your life! You don’t have to buy expensive gifts every day. Just get him or her thoughtful little presents to show your love. Don’t always wait for birthdays and anniversaries to give presents.
Look for the best
You know you will find only what you look for. So if you are determined to find the worst in your partner, you will find only that. Instead look for positive things, the good things and soon you will start noticing changes in your attitude too. You will also want to start improving yourself so you yourself can become a better spouse when you look for and see only the positives in your better half!Here’s hoping you have your own version of “Happily Ever After”!