Traffic Control Equipment

Every year many people died in road accidents and the main reason behind such accidents are that public is not  following road safety rules or there is no road controlling equipment is installed in that particular area Controlling road traffic and maintaining the flow of traffic is a main issue in all over the world and mostly in metropolitan cities. So for this purpose road traffic equipment or devices are designed to control traffic. To avoid any accident or to make road a safe area different types of equipment’s and facilities are use which are placed and fixed along the road for the safety and guidance of public. Although there are different traffic control equipment like traffic lights, cones, barriers, zebra crossing, sign boards etc. but they are also categorized in specific way. Different types of road traffic equipment or devices are discussed below: 

Roads signs play a vital role in controlling traffic. Basically there are two types of road signs which includes traditional and adjustable. Traditional signs have been using for last few decades and they are mostly used for direction guidance, speed limit signs and hazard signs while adjustable signs include advanced electronic signs and the beauty of these signs is that they can be adjusted accordingly and easily visible to naked eye in both day and night. Signs are frequently used along roadside for the safety and guidance of public. Led signage is also included in adjustable signs and it includes different electronics led panel on road to aware public about different conditions. These conditions may include road directions, traffic hazards, speed limit etc.  

Channelizing Equipment: 
Channelizing equipment is basically use to inform public about work zone. Channelizing equipment is place mostly between the road to make partition or to close the road in work area. Channelizing equipment usually includes cones and drums. We usually see traffic cones with reflecting paint on roads when some light or heavy vehicle malfunctioned on road. Different channelizing equipment includes tabular markers, construction barriers, traffic ones and vertical panels. Tabular markers are thin and long heighted. They are mostly screwed to the road to make different partitions on single roads for vehicles. Construction barriers are usually cylindrical in shape and painted with reflective material. 

Traffic lights: 
Traffic light is very common traffic control equipment. It is programmed for to open different lanes at different times. These lights are used to maintain traffic flow in usually crowded areas and avoiding traffic jams where controlling traffic is difficult. Apart from these lights, flashing lights are also used along roadside to give different indications to public. 

Road Markings:  
Road markings are different control devices to control traffic. It includes delineators an interim markings. Delineators are basically reflective small panels fixed on road to slow down the vehicles. traffic-control